Our FAQ answers the most common questions about our classes and how to prepare for classes.  Please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information.

  1. What should I bring to class?

    Bring water to stay hydrated and a yoga mat if you have one. We have mats available for rent if you do not have one. However, you may want to purchase your own mat for reasons of personal hygiene and regularity of practice.

  2. What do I wear to class?

    You should always feel comfortable! Athletic clothing that does not restrict your movement, like leggings and a tank top are recommended.

  3. Can pregnant women practice yoga?

    Yoga can be very beneficial during pregnancy, but make sure to let your instructor know you are pregnant. There are some classes that we do not recommend unless you were doing them prior to becoming pregnant. Make sure to avoid twisting, inversions, pranayama, any abdominal strengthening pose and lying on your belly. Remember, balancing poses may get tougher as you progress in your pregnancy so use the wall or blocks to keep yourself balanced and stay in the pose longer. Make sure to drink plenty of water and take bathroom breaks whenever needed.

  4. What if I experience pain or have a previous injury?

    It is always appropriate to talk to the instructor about any existing physical conditions and concerns you have about them. Yoga benefits many people with chronic pain by helping the body regain its balance between strength and flexibility, movement and awareness especially when attending a restorative class. If you are under a doctor’s care for an acute situation, please be sure to discuss taking high intensity yoga classes with him or her.

  5. What precautions are in place for stopping the spread of COVID-19?

    All guests are asked to not attend class if they are experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms. Masks are required before and after class times.

  6. How do I cancel my membership?

    Once your contract is complete you can e-mail and request to cancel the membership. We have a no refund policy, and request that you confirm cancellation at least 48 hours prior to a charge.

  7. I am interested in taking yoga classes but a membership and class pack is out of my budget?

    We offer a reduced rate limited membership. If you believe you qualify for this please click here to fill out an application.